Available routes

Mysłakowice - Staniszów

Mysłakowice - Staniszów

The route from Mysłakowice, through Łomnica, Jelenia Góra, Cieplice Śląskie and Staniszów is ideal for getting to know the...

Perła Zachodu - Tama Pilchowicka

Perła Zachodu - Tama Pilchowicka

The route from Jelenia Góra to the dam in Pilichowice follows the Marian Południkiewicz walking and cycling trail. The first...

Mała Pętla Kamiennicka

Mała Pętla Kamiennicka

The start of the route is in Stara Kamienica. It is one of the oldest villages in the entire Jeleniogórska Kotlina with a...


Sales salon is located in the very center of Jelenia Góra at the address:

58-500 Jelenia Góra
pl. Niepodległości 1
tel. 518 061 819

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